South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program
By leading fellow teachers in demonstrating how to integrate real life concepts across the curriculum, SCFLMTs will greatly assist South Carolina in educating and empowering our youth with financial literacy skills needed to make sound financial decisions.
Certified K-12 classroom teachers, any subject area in a public-school district, charter school, or private school, who instruct students for at least half of the school day.
Teachers who have completed at least three years in the classroom.
Teachers who desire to further financial literacy in the classroom and provide SC students with relevant skills to help them make smart decisions with their money.
Applications to join Cohort 7 are open now! Apply Today!
The South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program provides incentives for K-12 teachers who passionate about financial literacy education and have a desire to teach professional development workshops to other educators in their school, district, or at state educator conferences. The goal is to increase the number of South Carolina students receiving high quality personal finance instruction.
South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teachers will provide outstanding training and resources to teachers throughout the state. By leading fellow teachers in demonstrating how to integrate real life concepts across the curriculum, these teachers will greatly assist South Carolina in educating and empowering our youth with financial literacy skills needed to make sound financial decisions.
Congratulations to our Cohort 3 Graduates!
South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teachers will enter a three year Cohort with incentives provided at each level:
Year 1: bronze level
Bronze Level teachers will...
pass the W!SE Certification for Educators test
attend one in-person (or virtual) Master Teacher workshop
attend 6 or more hours of financial literacy professional development workshop(s) or webinar(s)
complete all requirements and a reflection on training and progress in the program
Optional: co-teach one approved professional development session with a Silver or Gold SCFLMT
Optional: teach an approved lesson relating to saving for future educational expenses and submit a reflection
Upon completing each requirement and submitting appropriate documentation, Bronze Level teachers will be able to earn $500 to $700.
YEar 2: silver level
Silver Level teachers will...
attend one in-person (or virtual) Master Teacher workshop
attend 3 or more hours of financial literacy professional development workshop(s) or webinar(s)
teach one professional development workshop related to financial literacy in their school or district
participate in an approved financial literacy contest or competition
complete all requirements and a reflection on training and progress in the program
Optional: co-teach a PD workshop related to financial literacy with a Bronze Level teacher
Optional: teach an approved lesson relating to saving for future educational expenses, provide evidence of student work, and submit a reflection
Upon completing each requirement and submitting appropriate documentation, Silver Level teachers will be able to earn $700 to $1,200.
Year 3: gold level
Gold Level teachers will...
attend one in-person (or virtual) Master Teacher workshop
attend 3 or more hours of financial literacy professional development workshop(s) or webinar(s)
teach two professional development workshops related to financial literacy in their school or district
participate in an approved financial literacy contest or competition
complete all requirements and a reflection on training and progress in the program
Optional: co-teach a PD workshop related to financial literacy with a Bronze Level teacher
Optional: record yourself teaching an approved lesson relating to saving for future educational expenses
Upon completing each requirement and submitting appropriate documentation, Gold Level teachers will be able to earn $1,000 to $1,600.