Cohort 6: Bronze
Cohort 6 are teachers who started Fall of 2024 and are in the first year (Bronze level) of the SCFLMT Program.
The following tasks are optional during the SCFLMT Bronze Level Year (see Honorariums page):
Co-teach one approved professional development session with a Silver or Gold SCFLMT
Teaching an approved lesson plan to their students about the importance of saving money for post-secondary education (college / technical college / certification) and submitting a reflection
Use the following forms to seek approval and submit evidence for the optional tasks:
Co-Lead PD Approval -- use this form to seek approval to co-teach a professional development session with a Silver or Gold SCFLMT
Co-Lead PD Provide Evidence -- use this form to provide evidence / reflection on co-teaching the professional development session with a Silver or Gold SCFLMT
Lesson Approval -- use this form to seek approval to teach a lesson plan to your students about the importance of saving money for post-secondary education (college / technical college / certification)
Lesson Evidence -- use this form to submit evidence of teaching the above lesson to your students