YEar 1: BRONZE level
Requirements, to be completed no later than March 28, 2025:
Earn $100 for passing the W!SE Certification for Educators test
Earn $100 for attending one in-person (or virtual) Master Teacher workshop led by SC Economics
Earn $200 for attending 6+ hours of financial literacy professional development workshop(s) or webinar(s), paid upon completion of all 6 hours
Earn $100 for meeting the above requirements and completing a reflection on training and progress in the program
Optional, to be completed no later than March 28, 2025:
$100 for co-hosting one approved professional development session with a Silver or Gold SCFLMT
$100 for teaching an approved lesson plan to their students about the importance of saving money for post-secondary education (college / technical college / certification) and submitting a reflection
Upon completing each requirement and submitting appropriate documentation, Bronze Level teachers will be able to earn $500 to $700.
YEar 2: silver level
Requirements, to be completed no later than March 28, 2025:
Earn $100 for attending one in-person (or virtual) Master Teacher workshop led by SC Economics
Earn $100 for attending 3+ hours of financial literacy professional development workshop(s) or webinar(s), paid upon completion of all 3 hours
Earn $300 for planning and leading one professional development session about financial literacy to SC teachers in your school, district, or conference
Earn $100 for completing an approved financial literacy contest or competition
Earn $100 for meeting the above requirements and completing a reflection on training and progress in the program
$300 for co-teaching an additional professional development workshop related to financial literacy with a Bronze Level teacher
$200 for teaching an approved lesson plan to their students about the importance of saving money for post-secondary education (college / technical college / certification), provide evidence of student work, and submit a reflection
Upon completing each requirement and submitting appropriate documentation, Silver Level teachers will be able to earn $700 to $1,200.
Year 3: gold level
Requirements, to be completed no later than March 28, 2025:
Earn $100 for attending one in-person (or virtual) Master Teacher workshop led by SC Economics
Earn $100 for attending 3+ hours of financial literacy professional development workshop(s) or webinar(s), paid upon completion of all 3 hours
Earn $300 each for planning and leading two professional development sessions about financial literacy to SC teachers in your school, district, or conference ($600 total)
Earn $100 for completing an approved financial literacy contest or competition
Earn $100 for meeting the above requirements and completing a reflection on training and progress in the program
$300 for co-teaching an additional professional development workshop related to financial literacy with a Bronze Level teacher
$300 for recording yourself teaching an approved lesson to their students about the importance of saving money for post-secondary education (college / technical college / certification), provide evidence of student work, and submit the video
Upon completing each requirement and submitting appropriate documentation, Gold Level teachers will be able to earn $1,000 to $1,600.